Discovery of the true origins of money
Michael Tellinger discovers the true origins of money while researching the origins of humankind for his book “Slave Species of god” (Slave Species of the Gods). He realises that money did not evolve from thousands of years of barter and trade as we are told, but rather, that money was introduced to humanity by the first Priest Kings, who mysterious appeared on Earth out of the blue – between 6,000 – 10,000 years ago. The Sumerian Kings Lists clay tablets, very clearly describe the time when “Kingdom was lowered to Earth from Heaven” the first Priest Kings were appointed by the gods – to rule over humanity.
Michael realises that we don’t need money to survive – we need each other, in cooperation and collaboration to create prosperity and abundance. He states that “MONEY DOES NOTHING – PEOPLE DO EVERYTHING”. Money is the tool of control that prevents people from achieving their goals and applying their talents for the benefit of the community. Bankers decide what we can and cannot do, by withholding funds from people and not granting loans – because according to them, our plans are often NOT FINANCIALLY VIABLE.
Michael creates a new word called Contributionism – a system in which money does not exist – and people contribute their talents and skills for the benefit of everyone in the community, without any barter, trade, exchange, or value attached to anything – where all our contributions must be seen as equally valuable. CONTRIBUTIONISM becomes the first –ism in history that does not use money or any form of trade or exchange – to create unimaginable prosperity and abundance for the entire community.
Message of CONTRIBUTIONISM Starts to Spread
Michael releases his first book SLAVE SPECIES OF GOD and starts to do lectures on the true origins of humankind and a world FREE OF MONEY – and a system called CONTRIBUTIONISM. He comes under constant attack by many people trapped in the MATRIX of slavery, but starts to create a rapidly growing support of many conscious and awake people, who know that the current system is fatally flawed and cannot be fixed. It becomes clear that we, the people have to create a new system. The royal-political elite will continue to enforce the current slavery system as long as we the people are asleep and behave like sheep.
CONTRIBUTIONISM Spreads Across Southern Africa and the World
Michael Tellinger continues to spread the message of CONTRIBUTIONISM and a world free of money – He tours South Africa and neighbouring countries of Botswana and Swaziland – more and more people sign up on his website and show great support for this exciting new philosophy. He discovers the ancient ruins and vanished civilisations of South Africa – which creates a strong connection to the hidden ancient past and the ancient gold mining and the presence of the ANUNNAKI in Southern Africa well over 200,000 years ago – enslaving humanity to work in the gold mines.
Advanced Vanished Civilisation in Southern Africa Exposed
Michael exposes Adam’s Calendar, gives it its name – the oldest man-made structure found to date and more than ten million stone circle ruins scattered across southern Africa. This is the largest concentration of ancient ruins found anywhere on Earth. Adam’s Calendar is known by African knowledge keepers as “Inzalo Ylanga” Birthplace of the Sun – where humanity was created by the gods, to be slaves in the gold mines.
This leads Michael to discover the advanced ancient technology, cone-shaped tools that now dominate modern scientific inventions of the 21st century; torus technology, magnetism, sound and resonance, SASER technology, and more, that was used as a tool by the vanished civilisations in ancient times. This discovery becomes a powerful body of evidence for the manipulation and exploitation of humanity for much longer than most of us could imagine.
Michael realises that the philosophy of Contributionism is almost identical to the ancient African system of UBUNTU – where people live in communities in support of each other – helping each other and working together to create abundance and prosperity for all. No one is homeless, no one is hungry, everyone has a special skill or talent for which they are honoured and respected. The UBUNTU Liberation Movement is formed, to share knowledge with the people and suggest a new way forward for humanity. Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot visits Michael Tellinger in South Africa and suggests that he should start a political party under the UBUNTU umbrella. At first Michael thinks it is a crazy idea – but then realises that politics controls our lives – and that we have to embrace politics and inject a seed of consciousness into the political beast.
UBUNTU PARTY is Born (South Africa)
The UBUNTU Party enters the South African political arena and starts to create lots of excitement among conscious and awake people. Michael starts to travel the world to teach about the vanished civilisations and the UBUNTU Contributionism philosophy. He completes his first tour of the USA and Canada, where he does lectures in 26 cities. People are immediately attracted to the UBUNTU message of unity, harmony and abundance.
The UBUNTU Party website starts to attract lots of attention from people all over the world and new supporters sign up in large numbers. This was also the year in which Michael took on the Standard Bank in the Supreme Court of Johannesburg – in an attempt to expose the crimes of the banking industry – the illegal activity of banks – the process of securitisation and much more.
UBUNTU Office Established
While continuing his research into the ruins and vanished civilisations, Michael establishes the UBUNTU office in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga, South Africa, at the Stone Circle base, and has to respond to thousands of interested people every month via email. He tours South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Canada and the USA to spread the message.
UBUNTU Party Participates in First Elections
Michael participates in the Breakthrough Energy Movement conference in Hilversum, Holland. He lays the first deep roots for international support of the UBUNTU Movement to a standing ovation from the captivated crowd. Later that year, Michael singlehandedly participates in the first municipal elections in Waterval Boven with the UBUNTU Party – to test the water and learn from the process. Curiosity among the people grows and the UBUNTU message spreads.
Volunteers Descend Upon the UBUNTU Stone Circle Home Base
Michael tours the UK and does UBUNTU presentations in 4 cities. Michael loses his 3-year long court case against Standard Bank and pays all the court costs of close to one million Rand with 4 separate promissory notes, created by himself and a team of advisors.
The Stone Circle UBUNTU office opens its doors to volunteers. Over 50 volunteers, with various motives and agendas came through the home base between 2013 and 2016. Many community projects were initiated in the towns of Waterval Boven and surrounding towns. Support came from UBUNTU Members around the world, the volunteers, and Michael’s funding from the income of his books and lectures.
UBUNTU Party South Africa in National Elections for Seat in Parliament
In May 2014, Michael Tellinger runs for President under the banner of the UBUNTU Party. Among the 7 major points of our manifesto, we proposed to close the Reserve Bank and replace it with a People’s Bank – with no interest, inflation or taxes and levies of any kind to the people. This was a huge learning experience for Michael and team and the UBUNTU Movement. He learns that the results of the election are planned well ahead of the elections. According to an independent observer, the UBUNTU Party received the largest number of votes from the people casting votes in foreign countries – but the IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) gave UBUNTU only 28 votes out of 28,000 international votes.
This would be a critical moment in the new strategy for the UBUNTU Movement, when Michael realised that we cannot win the election game – because it is part of the slavery system – merely giving people the illusion that they have a choice and their vote is important – and this is how democracy is created.
UBUNTU Party UK is formed
Unfortunately, all of the projects started by the UBUNTU Movement in the small towns of South Africa, only ran as long as there was funding. As soon as the funding stopped, everything came crashing down. Many of the candidates for the UBUNTU Party are victimised and threatened by the ruling ANC party mobs. Many lose their jobs, left with nothing – because they are labelled traitors. This was a heavy toll on Michael’s heart, and he had to financially support dozens of UBUNTU candidates for many months – and even until today. The UBUNTU Party UK is formed by Paul Toussaint in Stoke on Trent. Two candidates, Paul Tussaint and Mark Sleigh, contest elections in two constituencies under the UBUNTU Party banner in 2015.
UBUNTU Party Promotes One Small Town in 13 Municipal Elections
UBUNTU Party participates in these elections to promote the ONE SMALL TOWN – Can Change The World strategy. Our objective was to win only one municipal area to create to model and domino effect. We were not successful – as fear and intimidation filled the people – and many of our candidate were victimised and threatened by the ruling party members. By this stage it became clear that the political route only creates opposition and conflict among the people. UBUNTU could not be part of any system that supports any forms of opposition or conflict. It became obvious that UBUNTU had to exit the political arena and operate as a non-political movement that brings solutions to everyone, without being a threat to anyone. In Australia, Liam Manley ran for the Governor of New South Wales, under the UBUNTU Party Banner. Michael visits Brazil where he discovered huge support for the UBUNTU ONE SMALL TOWN plan of action from mayors of large cities and small towns.
UBUNTU Exits All Politics – Launch of ONE SMALL TOWN
The ONE SMALL TOWN – Can Change The World becomes the primary focus of the UBUNTU Movement. This is supported by the ONE SMALL GATHERING and ONE SMALL PROJECT/FARM. The UBUNTU Conscious Music Festival is held in Kansas City in December 2017 – to bring conscious musicians together with the UBUNTU philosophy. Michael tours USA and Canada, where he meets Mayor Ron Higgins of North Frontenac, Ontario. Ron is very interested in the ONE SMALL TOWN plan. By November 2017 Mayor Ron Higgins becomes the first mayor in the world to convince his council that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain with this plan. North Frontenac continues to learn from their experiences and leading way in this implementation.
ONE SMALL TOWN – Attention From Mayors in Many Countries
In April 2018 the UBUNTU Festival was held in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga South Africa. This was a platform to unite all creative art forms and the researchers and teachers and healers on one platform to carry a message of unity and harmony and ONE SMALL TOWN in many languages. Researchers and performers from over 15 countries participated to lay the foundation for future events. By the middle of 2018, Michael had contact with, and interest from mayors in many countries like: USA, Canada, South Africa, Swaziland, UK, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Sweden, Zimbabwe, Germany, Austria, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain, and others. In November 2018, Travis Duncan ran for Mayor of Austin, Texas, USA – under the UBUNTU One Small Town strategy. Travis received over 7000 votes. This is a huge achievement and establishes a strong platform for the UBUNTU Movement and the OST strategy in a very strong USA community – Austin, TX.
As we enter 2019 – our focus will be on creating many MEET-UP groups in as many countries as possible. Establishing National Coordinators, Regional Coordinators – AND Hosts of Meet-up groups. This is where we share important knowledge and information, distribute the UBUNTU printed material about ONE SMALL TOWN, training materials, UBUNTU Books, and enjoy the company of like-minded people. Have fun, have a barbecue, speak freely without the fear of ridicule, and plan the implementation of the ONE SMALL TOWN strategy in the community. We will use these meet-up groups to plan how to approach the mayors with our OST proposal. This is also the platform to find the most suitable candidates to run for MAYOR of the town if the existing mayor is not receptive to our OST plan.