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“Money is the tool by which humanity is kept in perpetual slavery. Only when we come to terms with what money is, when and how it was created, and who controls it today, will we be able to free ourselves from the money slavery system. But to do this, we have to do what has never been done before and what seemed impossible until now. We have to use money and the system of capitalism to cannibalize itself – to consume itself. We have to use the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation. Without any violence, opposition of conflict. And since money is to tool that funds violence and division, this is possibly the most twisted poetic justice ever bestowed on humanity – and the most liberating thought I have ever embraced.”   

Michael Tellinger

Origins of Money

According to the Sumerian texts, money was introduced to the human race some 6000 years ago by the first Priest-kings that mysteriously appeared on Earth. These kings suddenly owned all the land and people had to work for them and serve them. They built massive temples which were their palaces and also the first banks that created and issued the first forms of money. The first money was created out of clay tablets. These were the original “negotiable instruments” or “promissory notes” that the banking system still uses today.

Money is not part of human evolution – and money was not created to help humanity to survive and prosper. It was created as a tool of enslavement and control. It is very important to recognize that it’s not about the money, but the control of money. The royal-political banking elite, who have the power to create and issue money to the people of the world, have absolute control. They can create and print as much money as they want, because they own all the banks and the right to do so. It is ironic that this right is defended and protected by us, the people, the slaves to the system.

The banking families, or the global elite as they are called, own our countries, all the largest corporations, control our governments, and manipulate every aspect of our reality. Unfortunately, most people are blissfully unaware of this as they struggle to survive from month-to-month and day-to-day, wondering why their lives are so hard.

As long as we have money in our system, we will remain slaves to those who control the money. Money is not just energy, or a means of exchange, as some people falsely believe – money is the absolute tool of control over humanity.

The UBUNTU Movement has evolved since 2005 and developed a system called CONTRIBUTIONISM – which systematically removes money from our reality – without any violence, opposition or conflict. Replacing it with unlimited prosperity and abundance on all levels for everyone.

We call our plan of action “ONE SMALL TOWN – Can Change The World”. Please read about the simple plan of implementation and then JOIN the UBUNTU Movement and become a seed of active consciousness in your community.

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